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Nationally Accredited Canine Trainers

5 Essential Commands Every Dog Should Know

31 October 2024

Training your dog is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have as a pet owner. It not only strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend but also ensures their safety and well-being in various situations. At Canine Evolution, we’re dog training professionals dedicated to helping you and your dog achieve success. So whether you’re just starting or looking to reinforce existing behaviours, here are our top tips for teaching the five essential commands every dog should know.



Why It’s Essential: The “Sit” command is foundational in dog training, and one that is covered in our puppy school. It helps manage a dog’s behaviour, preventing them from jumping on guests or reacting impulsively to distractions. This command also lays the groundwork for more advanced training.

How to Teach It:

  • Hold a treat close to your dog’s nose.
  • Move your hand up, allowing their head to follow the treat and causing their bottom to lower.
  • Once in the sitting position, say “Sit” and give them the treat along with verbal praise.
  • Practise this multiple times a day in different settings to reinforce the behaviour.


Why It’s Essential: The “Stay” command is vital for controlling a dog’s movements, especially in potentially dangerous situations. It teaches the dog to remain in a designated spot until released, which can be useful during walks or when guests arrive.

How to Teach It:

  • Start with your dog in the “Sit” position.
  • Hold your palm out in front of you and say “Stay.”
  • Take a few steps back, maintaining eye contact.
  • If they stay, reward them with a treat and praise. If they move, calmly guide them back to the original spot and try again.
  • Gradually increase the distance and duration of the “Stay” command as your dog becomes more consistent.


Why It’s Essential: The “Come” command is essential for safety, as it allows the owner to call their dog back to them, preventing them from getting into trouble.

How to Teach It:

  • Start in a low-distraction environment with your dog on a leash.
  • Crouch down to your dog’s level and say “Come” in an excited tone while gently pulling on the leash.
  • As soon as your dog starts moving towards you, offer a treat and praise them warmly.
  • Practise this in different environments, gradually increasing the level of distraction and distance.


Why It’s Essential: The “Down” command encourages a submissive position, which can help calm an excited or anxious dog. It’s particularly useful for managing hyperactive behaviour and providing comfort during stressful situations.

How to Teach It:

  • Hold a treat in your hand and bring it close to your dog’s nose.
  • Slowly lower the treat to the ground, guiding your dog to follow it.
  • As they follow the treat down, their body should naturally lower into a lying position.
  • Once they are lying down, say “Down” and give them the treat with praise.
  • Consistency and patience are key, especially if your dog is initially reluctant.

Leave It

Why It’s Essential: The “Leave It” command is crucial for preventing dogs from picking up or chewing on harmful objects. It helps ensure the dog’s safety during walks and prevents unwanted behaviours, such as scavenging.

How to Teach It:

  • Place a treat in both hands. Show your dog one closed hand with the treat inside and say “Leave It.”
  • Let your dog sniff, paw, or lick your hand without giving them the treat.
  • Once they stop and move away, reward them with the treat from your other hand.
  • Repeat until your dog immediately backs away when you say “Leave It.”
  • Progress to more tempting objects, always rewarding them for choosing to leave it alone.


It’s Never Too Late to Start Training

Starting your dog’s training journey at puppy school is ideal, as it sets the foundation for good behaviour from an early age. However, if you missed that window, don’t worry—you can absolutely teach an old dog new tricks.  At Canine Evolution, our expert trainers are here to help. Book a session or dog obedience training course with us today and see the transformation in your dog’s behaviour and happiness firsthand.

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