Make Early Intervention of Behaviour Issues Your New Year’s Resolution

Make Early Intervention of Behaviour Issues Your New Year’s Resolution
A large part of our workload is dealing with aggression and other behaviour problems; many of which have been known problems for an extended period of time and action has not been taken until the behaviour has become habitual or a serious incident has occurred.
Early intervention of behaviour problems can avoid much heartache, property destruction, injury and expense.
It is only the second week of the New Year and already we have had a customer seek assistance following an incident with another dog. The owner is now facing fines and the possibility of a Menacing Dog Order. He was well aware his dog had aggression issues with other dogs and was managing it successfully until the clip on the lead got fouled and inadvertently released the dog. If the anti-social, arousal issues of the dog were addressed two years ago, the owner would not be in this predicament.
This dog is not ‘bad’; he just has poor social skills and limited boundaries.
Your hyper-aroused dog is not just playing when he jumps over and harasses visitors in your house; it is anti-social behaviour that you have allowed to develop. Your dog lunging towards other dogs walking past does not just want to say ‘hello’; it is anti-social, unacceptable behaviour which you have allowed develop.
We were involved in two court matters in 2023 resultant of owners downplaying and/or failing to take action on known and potentially dangerous behaviour issues.
The earlier a potential behaviour problem is addressed, the easier it is to address, and both dog and owner will have a much more enjoyable and stress-free life.
Make it your New Year’s resolution to intervene early in potential behaviour problems; it will save much heartache and expense, and most importantly ……. lead to a safer community.
If you need help with any behaviour issues with your dog, the team at Canine Evolution can assist you.